Caucasian female with glasses and long red hair, grey blazer, black adn white scarf, looking at camera from the side with hand on chin.

Emma Louise Gill

Writer of speculative and flash fiction. Words in AntipodeanSF, Curiouser Magazine, Etherea Magazine, and others. Querying On Solar Winds. Writing all the time.

On this blog you’ll find posts about life, writing, occasional book reviews, original short stories, poetry, flash fiction, and more. There may be cats.

Latest Posts

GenreCon and April IWSG

Welcome to a new month, all! Here on Noongar country we have entered Djeran season,…

Author Envy (IWSG March)

Due to a technical glitch, this post is going out one day late. Apologies, readers.…

One Word (IWSG January)

Welcome to a New Year! I hope yours brings health and happiness, making up for…

Quantum Holidays

It’s Christmas Eve in my corner of the world, with tomorrow a day that many…

Holiday Writing (IWSG Dec)

Welcome to another month of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop. I’m a day…


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Featured Post:

Caddo Lake
Flash Fiction
(December 2021)